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School Finance Connect

School Finance Connect

Essential Finance Tools for Texas Schools

It’s no secret,Texas school finance is complex!

TEE is here to provide consulting services and training to school board trustees that provide them with the tools and resources they need to effectively monitor and guide the financial health of the school.  

TEE serves public School Board Trustees through financial and operational consulting so each member will:

  • Accurately interpret financial data being presented
  • Ask the right questions regarding the finances and ongoing operations
  • Verify financial information
  • Understand the financial well-being of the district
  • Understand the financial and operational management of the district
  • Understand financial strategies
  • Understand the financial controls the district has implemented

The TEE School Finance Connect Process

TEE will engage your board in a 12-month consulting agreement with the following process:

TEE will provide a monthly financial consulting service for Board Trustees (finance committee)

TEE will provide monthly financial monitoring of the District’s financial documents and monthly online board meetings

TEE will coach, train, and engage school board Trustees on School District finances

TEE will actively support school board trustees in fulfilling their fiduciary role

The TEE School Finance Connect Results


Identifies trends and key financial indicators

Prepares analytics for board trustee review and discussion

Trains in critical key financial indicators, trends, and forecasting

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